Dear Team HSOBC,
I hope that you are well and have had a restful Easter!
The next HSOBC challenge is taking place this Saturday and this one can be completed in the 'comfort' of your own home or garden! This Saturday (18th April 2020) the boat club will be completing an old favourite session, beloved by every old and current Headingtonian; it is of course the HSOBC Drop-Set challenge!
What are Drop-Sets?
You do four body weight exercises (listed below with instructions) 20 times each, then 19 times, then 18 times and so on until you finish with one rep of each exercise.
For the challenge this Saturday you can start on 20 reps, 15 reps or 10 reps of the following exercises:
- Squats - How to video
- Press-up (on knees) - How to video
- Burpees/Up-Downs - How to video
- Hip Bridge - How to video
Time yourself completing the drop sets and complete the form below to log your session and let's see how many reps HSOBC can complete in a day. We will announce the fastest time of the day on Saturday evening and bragging rights will go to the year group with the fastest time and most reps completed.
As always photos of you and your family completing the challenge are always welcome via email or Instagram
I hope that this classic HSOBC session will set you up well for the start of the new term next week!
Stay safe and healthy and I hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing weekend!